
65daigou English Guide Version1.0

Dear Customer:

Thank you for your interest in 65daigou.
We have to apologize that our English version website is still under development. But we would like to share these information to help you understand the procedure and key points when shopping with 65daigou.


About the procedure:
1. Place order
2. Make your 1st payment
3. Check each item status online
4. Arrange collection when items arrive

Firstly, you need to use your email to register a membership.
After activating your account, you need to login “登录” from the top bar.

1. Place order

To place your order, click top right orange big button "我要代购", paste the taobao item webpage link to the center blank box. Click the orange big button next to it, the nearer one, "一键填单“. System will automatically load your item name, seller name, price and picture for you.
Next you can change the quantity or put some memo for this item, like what color/size you want. Then click submit "提交代购“. and it will added to you shopping cart. Repeat the process to add more items.

2. Make your 1st payment

Go to your shopping cart to view all your submitted orders, check box for those you decide to buy, click submit. Then you will be led to payment page, choose the payment method you prefer, then confirm. If you choose Online banking, pls enter the reference number after you complete transcation. We will proceed your order immediately once received your first payment. (value of your spree items).

3. Check each item status online

You can always check each item status online click here: http://www.65daigou.com/Shopping/MyOrders.aspx

4. Arrange collection when items arrive

When your goods arrive Singapore, you will receive an email for notice. You can login the website at this link: http://www.65daigou.com/Shopping/ShipmentPayedOrders.aspx

And choose your prefer delivery method( either MRT pick up for free or Home delivery for $5 island wide regardless of weight and distance)


About the fee:

1. 1st payment= value of your spree items + domestic shipment fee to Shanghai, Make this payment after you place your orders.
2. 2rd payment= Agent fee + service Charge + International shipment fee
• International shipment fee is 18rmb per half kg by air and 8rmb per half kg by sea.
• Agent fee = (1st payment + International shipment fee) *8%
• Service Charge = 25 rmb per shipment (no matter how many orders , as long as you ship together, we only charge one time 25rmb)
*our current exchange rate is 4.82, will adjust with bank rate.

Let me give a demo here: suppose you buy 1000rmb from taobao, weight 5kg
Your fee by air:
1st payment= 1000rmb=1000/4.82=S$207.46

International shipment fee=5X2X18=180rmb
Agent fee=(1000+180)X8%=94.4rmb
Service Charge= 25rmb

2rd payment= Agent fee + service Charge + International shipment fee =94.4+25+180= 299.4rmb = 299.4/4.82=S$ 62.11

Your total cost to buy 1000rmb goods is S$269.57,which is

Your fee by sea:
1st payment= 1000rmb=1000/4.82=S$207.46

International shipment fee=5X2X8=80rmb
Agent fee=(1000+80)X8%=86.4rmb
Service Charge= 25rmb

2rd payment= Agent fee + service Charge + International shipment fee =86.4+25+80= 191.4rmb = 191.4/4.82=S$ 39.7

Your total cost is S$247.16

About the time period:

0.5day: The Time you place your order in 65daigou and the confirmation of the payment
1day: The Time We take to place your order.
2-5days: The time Taobao Seller will take to ship the goods to Shanghai warehouse, depend on their location.
1day: The Time we take to inspect your goods and prepare for the international shipment
3-5days: The time for your goods to fly and arrive at SG.

To sum up, it will 7-12 days from you place your order to your goods arrive SG.

However you can always look for us for assist, either by mail service@65daigou.com or raise an enquire on the website.

Feel free to call me if you still not sure how to do. 9182 2677 Thanks.

65daigou Customer Service

